Can Wallpaper Have Asbestos

    Can Wallpaper Have Asbestos?

    Wallpaper is one of the most common decorations for walls in homes and businesses. But could wallpaper contain asbestos, a known carcinogen? In this article, we'll discuss whether asbestos can be found in wallpaper and what to do if you suspect it is present.

    What is Asbestos?

    Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is composed of microscopic fibers. It has been used in a variety of building materials, including insulation, roofing, and wallpaper. When disturbed, asbestos fibers become airborne and can be inhaled. This can cause serious health problems, including lung cancer and mesothelioma.

    Can Wallpaper Have Asbestos?

    Yes, wallpaper manufactured before the 1980s may contain asbestos. It was commonly used in the backing of wallpaper to provide strength and fire resistance. In addition, some decorative wallpapers, such as those with a metallic sheen, may also contain asbestos.

    What Should I Do if I Suspect Asbestos in My Wallpaper?

    If you suspect that your wallpaper may contain asbestos, it is important to have it tested by a qualified asbestos professional. The professional will take samples of the wallpaper and test them for asbestos. If asbestos is detected, the professional will provide advice on the best course of action for removal and disposal.

    What Are the Benefits of Removing Asbestos-Containing Wallpaper?

    • Removing asbestos-containing wallpaper can reduce the risk of exposure to dangerous fibers.
    • Removing the wallpaper can also improve the look of the walls, making them easier to paint or wallpaper.
    • Removing asbestos-containing wallpaper can also increase the value of your home.


    Wallpaper manufactured before the 1980s may contain asbestos. If you suspect that your wallpaper contains asbestos, it is important to have it tested by a qualified professional. If asbestos is present, you should take the necessary steps to have it removed and disposed of in a safe and legal manner.
